ࡱ> >@=[ Rbjbj2"ΐΐ xx8 $1sEEEEEyyy$y!$JEyyyyyEE4-yEEyTEeAam C0s(,e$me$TTe$yyyyyyyyyysyyyye$yyyyyyyyyx :  Tg'Yf[O] zf[b OW|Rf[/gbJT bJTvEnergy Harvesting Communications with Limited Feedback b JT NWei Zhang IEEE Fellow The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia ;N c N\TfYec bJT0Wp Tg'Yf[WSVn!h:S,{NYef[|iN6 bJTe2015t^6g23S NHS8:30 10:00 ;NRUSMOO] zf[b bRUSMOO] z| bJTQ[{N In energy harvesting wireless communications, full channel state information at transmitter is generally needed to determine transmission power policy. In this work, we propose online discrete rate and power adaption policies for an energy harvesting communication over Rayleigh fading channels. The receiver periodically sends 1-bit feedback by comparing the channel power gain with a predetermined threshold. The transmitter correspondingly adjusts QAM level and transmission power based on the 1-bit feedback and the available battery energy. To determine the optimal channel threshold, adaptive M-QAM level and corresponding power allocation, we formulate a constrained optimization problem to maximize the throughput within a finite horizon. We show that this problem follows a Markov decision process and can be solved via backward induction method. We further propose an efficient but suboptimal discrete rate and power policy that uses the best effort M-QAM adaption and the channel threshold determined by maximizing the average rate over channel fading and EH processes. Our results show that the performance loss is negligible for the simple M-QAM adaption of the suboptimal policy that is attributed to the optimal choice of channel threshold. DbJTN{N Wei Zhang (F 15) received the PhD degree in Electronic Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005. He was a Research Fellow at Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2006-2007. Since 2008, he has been with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where he is currentlyan Associate Professor. His current research interests include cognitive radio, energy harvesting communications, interference alignment and massive MIMO. He is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, and an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He was an Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series in 2012-2014. *,6ʹ͘taQQ=-h:yB*KHQJaJo(ph'h o|h:y5B*KHQJaJo(phh54B*KHQJaJo(ph$h:yhB*OJQJaJo(ph$h o|h:y5B*OJQJaJph!hr+hB*KHQJaJph6hh5B*CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0o(ph0hF5B*CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0o(ph3hh5B*CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0ph0hr+5B*CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0o(ph,F b  /a1$9DWD`gdG 1$9DWD`gd@09 $1$9Da$gd $1$9Da$gd54 $1$9Da$gdB$1$9DWD`a$gd:y $1$9Da$gd:y $1$9Da$gd $1$9D@&a$gdD F R X ` b | ͽͪyޙj\NN>NhB*KHQJaJo(phhuB*KHaJo(phhB*KHaJo(phhr+hB*KHaJphhC3B*KHQJaJo(phh B*KHQJaJo(ph!hr+hB*KHQJaJph$hBhBB*KHQJaJo(phh\B*KHQJaJo(ph!h54hBB*KHQJaJphhB*KHQJaJo(ph!h:yh:yB*KHQJaJph  awxy{|~ʼ{gTPNPF>:>:h\ijh\iUhZho(UhG $hW}h5B*KHQJaJph'hW}hg35B*KHQJaJo(phhB*KHQJaJo(phh7>hG 0J'hW}h"R5B*KHQJaJo(ph'hW}h5B*KHQJaJo(phh B*KHaJo(phhFB*KHaJo(phhc YB*KHaJphhc YB*KHaJo(phh?^B*KHaJo(phHe received three best paper awardsat international conferences (Globecom2007, WCSP2011, GlobalSIP2014). He is the recipientof the 2009 IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award. He serves asthe SecretaryofIEEEWireless Communications Technical Committee. He is a member of IEEE Communication Society Asia Pacific Board. He is an IEEE Fellow.     axz{}~gdc1$9DWD`gd9A[ ~hZho(h\ijh\iU0182P. 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