Posted on: 2017-11-17 Submitted on: 2012-08-04

From July 30 to 31, the 16th National Conference on Image and Graphics (NCIG2012) and the 6th Workshop on 3D Images (W3DI2012) were held in Jilin Province Hotel. The events were sponsored by the China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) and its Professional Committee of Stereo Imaging Technology, and undertaken by the College of Communication Engineering of Jilin University. More than 300 representatives from the images and graphics industry came to attend the meeting from all over the country.
Zhou Mingquan, Executive Vice-Chairman of the CSIG and Professor of Beijing Normal University, delivered an opening speech. Chen Weiyou, Deputy Director of the Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology; and Zhao Ji, Executive Vice-President of Jilin University; also attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Liu Kailong, Secretary General of the CSIG, read a congratulatory message from Xu Guanhua, former Minister of Science and Technology, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chairman of the CSIG. Also attending the ceremony were Professor Zhao Xiaohui, Dean of the College of Communications Engineering; and Professor Li Yue, Deputy Dean of the College of Communications Engineering. The ceremony was presided over by Professor Wang Shigang from the College of Communications Engineering. During the conference, there was an exhibition on research outcomes and related products in the field of 3D imaging technology, and a term-changing conference for the 7th CSIG Council and the 1st CSIG Professional Committee of Stereo Imaging Technology.
The conference covered a wide range of fields such as stereoscopic image-processing technology, computer graphics, image processing, video communications, virtual reality, 3D visualization, medical imaging, digital art and game design, machine learning, and information security. It has provided a platform to exchange ideas for experts, scholars and companies involved in basic research and application promotion in fields relevant to images and graphics. Discussions on hot topics, such as the academic and development trends in various directions in the field of images and graphics, have promoted mutual exchanges and cooperation among researchers in this field. The conference has received over 280 academic papers, and included a total of 206 in its paper collection.
Gao Wen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Peking University, and Director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Digital Video Coding and Decoding Technology, was invited to make a special report on “Video Analysis and Video Coding Technology for Surveillance”. Professor Dai Qionghai from Tsinghua University made a special report on “Computational Photography and Its Application”.
The National Conference on Images and Graphics is the highest-level biennial national conference hosted by the CSIG. At the closing ceremony, the CSIG awarded an “Outstanding Contribution Award” to Jilin University and its College of Communication Engineering, for their thorough preparation which has guaranteed this conference a total success.